Expand Your Awareness & Transform Your Life

This Becoming a Yogi and Yogic Living Course will give you the necessary tools to deepen your yoga and meditation practice as well as share these powerful and sacred teachings with others. This program is led by Shama Kaur, an Egyptian Kundalini Yoga Teacher who has been teaching across Egypt, North Africa and the Arabian Gulf since 2012. This training will be conducted in both English and Arabic.

This program has been one of the best experiences of my life. It’s such an honor to be teaching this technology and sharing the many gifts this program has to offer. My favorite aspect of this training is the many ways it empowers students to embrace and utilize their strengths and unique gifts. From this place of power and strength they can work through the challenges in their lives with compassion and grace and help others do the same.” ~ Shereen Samir

التريننج بالنسبالي مكنش كورس عادي بروح استقبل معلومات وامشي اد ما كان رحلة فعلًا، رحلة نور، خلتني اسافر جوايا، خلتني اكتشف مواطن ف نفسي معرفهاش ويمكن مكنتش اعرف انها موجودة، خلتني اشتغل علي جوانب تانية مكنتش شايفة انها أولوية اني اشتغل عليها، واشوف نفسي والل حواليا بمرايا أوضح، لسه بقابل وبختبر حاجات يمكن تبقي اتقل بس عدستي اتغيرت وحاسة اني ماشية بأسلحة عرفت استخدمهم بعد ما كنت شايفة ان ملهمش لازمة والأهم اني عرفت استخدمهم امتي وازاي، عندي امتنان كبير للرحلة ولمرشدنها ولأصحاب الروح الل قابلتهم وللعائلة الكبيرة الل بقيت وسطها ولكم النور الل شفته ف الطريق والل بسببهم اتولدلي طاقة انشره. ~رنا سلام
ممتنه علي المشاركة في كورس تدريب معلمي الكونداليني يوجا مع المدربة والمعلمه الروحانية شاما كار، استمتعت كثيرا بممارسة التدريبات المتنوعه الخاصة بالتنفس، والتواصل مع معلمي ومدربي اليوجا علي   مستوي العالم  ككل  كل الشكر شما علي التمرينات القيمة. ~شيماء أحمد
ممارسة الكونداليني يوجا من اكثر الادوات اللي ساعدتني خلال رحلتي، ولما تعمقت في دراستها زودت وعيي بجسدى ومشاعري وافكاري وازاي اقدر اتوازن حتي في الظروف الصعبه،  وزودتني بادوات استخدمها في حياتي اليوميه عشان  احسن جودة حياتي. ممتنه جدا للتجربة الجميله والتغير العميق اللي سابته جوايا. ~اسراء اسامة


This is a 50-hour course, consisting of classroom instruction in a well-defined curriculum. It delivers 20%  of the 220hrs Aquarian Teacher Training Program in Kundalini Yoga.

 In this Module of the Aquarian Teacher training you will:

✅ Gain a deep understanding of the science of Kundalini Yoga.

✅ Develop the skills to instruct Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations.

✅ Practice teaching Kundalini Yoga in a practicum setting,

✅ Participate in early morning sadhana (spiritual practice)

✅ Experience powerful transformational energy of conscious community (sangat).


Our comprehensive curriculum covers the fundamentals of yoga philosophy, western and eastern anatomy and physiology,  the chakras and yogic diet and lifestyle. A variety of teaching methods are incorporated to deliver the content including lectures, class room discussions, group work, practical skill building and use of video content.

The course is delivered over  6-days  that will take place BOTH IN PERSON AND ONLINE.

The in person modules will be delivered in New Cairo, Egypt, led by Shama Kaur and other Trainers will join online.

Dates & Topics

  • The History & Origins of Yoga

  • The Varieties of Yoga

  • The Chakras

  • The Nadis

  • Yogic Diet & Living

Costs & Registration

There are three cost options available.
Option 1: 600$ for the MODULE (6 days).
Option 2: 500$ Earlybird to be paid by May 1st. Discount Code: EarlybirdM2
Option 3: Scholarships available for low income countries including Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Libya. Please contact us for further information.
**Note payments can be made on 2 or 3 instalments.

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher


5:00 – 7:30 am Sadhana
8:30 – 9:00 am Group Check-in/ Morning Meditation

9:00 – 11:45 am lectures and Group discussion

11:45 – 1:00 pm Kundalini Yoga Set & Meditation

1:00 – 2:15 pm Lunch break

2:15 – 4:15 pm Lectures and Group discussions

4:15 – 4:30 pm Break

4:30 – 5:30 pm Lectures and Group discussions

5:30 – 6:00 pm Evening Meditation

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher


Siri Neel Kaur Khalsa

Espanola, USA

Siri Neel is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer. She began practicing yoga since 1968 and teaching since 1970. She teaches classes with people from ages 3-90. Siri Neel currently lives in Espanola, New Mexico. She lovingly travels to New Cumberland to share her wisdom and yogic expertise. She has been teaching trainings for the 200 hr. Kundalini Yoga Trainings and Level 2s. She is also a Shamanic healer.

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Shama Kaur

Cairo, Egypt

Shama Kaur is Egypt’s first Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer. Her name means ‘the one who shines the light of her inner soul’.  She completed her training at the age of 25 at the Kundalini Research Institue in New Mexico, USA in 2012. Ever since, she been teaching kundalini yoga classes, workshops and delivering teacher trainings in Egypt and the Middle East.

Inderjot Kaur

Guadalajara, Mexico

Born in México City and partially raised in the US, she began her Hatha yoga practice at age 15. Later she came in touch with Kundalini Yoga and fell in love immediately; and on her third class she decided to become a certified teacher and guide people to the experience of well-being that for her united both the physical and spiritual paths. Through these years she has worked towards bringing the healing experience of Kundalini Yoga to all types of addiction institutions.

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Memories from our past Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

The payment plan you offer doesn’t work for me. Do you have any other options?

  • Yes, we can set up an individual contract with you with instalment plans that work for you. Please let us know.

I don’t have much experience of knowledge about Kundalini yoga. Can I participate in Teacher Training?

  • You can still join the training providing that you have completed 20 Kundalini Yoga classes prior to the start of the training. 

The course starts with all the basics you need to know as both a student and a teacher. The only requirement is for you to commit to yourself and to do a daily practice.
Yes. We will be repeating Module 1 from February 27-March 4 in 2023.
By completing this module, you obtain a 50-hour certificate of completion. With this, you can lead yourself in classes of Kundalini Yoga and share the practice with friends and family but you are not certified as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
Yes. At the end of module 2, you can apply to become a teacher and continue the modules in 2022 and 2023. What if I am already certified as a Kundalini Teacher, can I still join this training? Yes. This program is a great way for you to review the course material and go deeper into the modules.
No. Books are not included in the cost. The fees are 50USD.
The textbook is provided in English with some chapters translate din Arabic. The yoga Kriya manual is provided in Arabic and English.
The training will be conducted in English with Arabic Translation. Shama Kaur, the Lead Trainer is an Arabic speaker and will therefore accept any questions in Arabic and will also lecture and explain in the Arabic language when needed.