The Master Cleanse: Kundalini Yoga
The Master Cleanse: Kundalini Yoga
“You don’t grow old by years, you grow old by food. The bottom line is not how much you know, the bottom line is how much you eat and what you eat”. -Yogi Bhajan
Do you feel heavy, lazy or tired?
Do you feel a loss of drive, motivation or excitement for life?
Do you feel guilty about what you eat, how much you eat or how you eat?
If you answered yes, then this 5-day cleanse is right for you!
Headaches, bloating, gas, heartburn and illness are some of the symptoms of a poor digestion and elimination system. One of the best ways to reverse these symptoms is to cleanse the body.
All the way from Egypt, Shama Kaur will lead you on a 5-day cleanse rooted in the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan that will alkalinise the body, cleanse the liver, support the large intestine to eliminate efficiently, and refill the body with prana to leave you energised!
Each class consists of a 20-minute talk on various topics such as – food combination rules, best practices for elimination & digestion, acidic vs. alkaline and eating consciously. Followed by a Kundalini Yoga set for detoxification & cleansing including meditation & pranayam,
Most importantly, get ready to start a 5-day cleansing diet and be supported with further recipes should you want extend your cleanse beyond 5 days!