The Pregnancy period is one of the most honorable phases of being a woman. It is your chance to transform from the phase of being a woman – only caring about your own needs- to being a mother -putting your wants on the side and making space for your child. This is a big shift and requires patience and preparation.

During these tough 9 months, you have unique opportunity to create a bond with your unborn child and to pray for your child to excel in all areas of his/her life.

Moreover, since your unborn child feels everything that you feel, this is a chance for you to work on yourself. So if you take the time bring CONSCIOUSNESS into your habits, thoughts, work, way of life and emotions, your baby will grow into a more CONSCIOUS being, less reactive and more grounded.

All the way from Egypt, Shama Kaur will lead you on a journey rooted in the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan that will give you insight into how to prepare for your unborn child, take care of your body and manage your emotions especially anger and fear.

Choose topics from the list below to customize your own program:

  • Conscious Pregnancy

  • Overcoming fear of change

  • Going Beyond Labour Pain

  • Alleviating physical discomforts

  • Preparing for Birth of the Child

  • Types of Natural Birth

  • Praying for your Baby

Register Here

“Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy. We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.” – Julia Cameron