About the 21 Stages of Meditation Course
The 21 Stages of Meditation gives you tools and experiences to deepen your meditation and come to a profound understanding of your Self. Complete three meditative journeys toward the pinnacle of contemplative awareness: The Infinite Pulse.
Students and teachers from all contemplative traditions are invited and encouraged to participate in the vibration of this immersive experience.
The goal is clear: happiness. The nature of meditation is well-defined: refine the mind and elevate your awareness. The path is open: deepen your meditation through each of the 21 Stages of Meditation in order to reach that intangible quality we call realization.
Why 21 Stages?
The real question is why do we practice in the first place? Happiness. By articulating and describing each of the 21 Stages of Meditation, we have attempted to put into words the states of consciousness that are traversed by those who use the power of meditation to enhance their lives through the pursuit of happiness and peace of mind.
The meditations that guide us through the stages on the journey to Realization are designed to follow the natural structure and qualities of each stage. The experiences of one stage support the progress in the next stage. You can explore any of the stages on your own as an individual practice. The benefit of each meditation stands on its own; but the added benefit of practicing an entire journey comes from the intensity of the practice when done in sequence, within a concentrated period of time and in a community of practitioners.

Shama Kaur is Egypt’s first Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer. Her name means ‘the one who shines the light of her inner soul’. She completed her training at the age of 25 at the Kundalini Research Institue in New Mexico, USA in 2012. Ever since, she been teaching kundalini yoga classes, workshops and delivering teacher trainings in Egypt and the Middle East.
Siri Neel Kaur Khalsa

Siri Neel is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer. She began practicing yoga since 1968 and teaching since 1970. She teaches classes with people from ages 3-90. Siri Neel currently lives in Espanola, New Mexico. She lovingly travels to New Cumberland to share her wisdom and yogic expertise. She has been teaching trainings for the 200 hr. Kundalini Yoga Trainings and Level 2s. She is also a Shamanic healer.
Inderjot kaur
Nirvair Singh Khalsa began studying with Yogi Bhajan in 1971. He is the former CEO and President of The Kundalini Research Institute, the home of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®. He is a retired University Instructor at the University of Alaska Anchorage where he taught classes in Kundalini Yoga for 31 years. He has also taught classes, workshops and trainings throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, including the Level One Immersion offered yearly in Espanola, NM. He is a Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 certified teacher trainer. He lives with his wife of 40 years, Nirvair Kaur, in Tesuque New Mexico.
November 18-23, 2024
Time Commitment
1:00 PM – 8:30 PM Central European Time
* Times subject to change based on location of International Teachers and Time Zone Considerations.
New Cairo, Egypt
Stage 1 – Upset
Stage 2 – Boredom
Stage 3 – Irritation
Stage 4 – Frustration
Stage 5 – Focus
Stage 6 – Absorption
Stage 7 – Experience and Crystallize the Self
“Negative thoughts come at you like arrows. Your strong positive arcline in the aura absorbs the energy of the thought. The Jappa of the mantra cuts each thought so its form changes from negative to positive and it can be passed on to the central channel. In this way you are still, happy and master the upset that comes from the defensive thoughts.” –Yogi Bhajan
Stage 8 – Rasa
Stage 9 – Delight
Stage 10 – Politeness
Stage 11 – Humility
Stage 12 – Elevation
Stage 13—Graceful Enlightenment
Stage 14 – Express and Be Your Self
“Happy. Full above and below. Heaven and earth mingle in the heart of the sage. You are balance. Fruition comes to those who encounter you. Your prayer is reality.” Yogi Bhajan
Stage 15 – Presence Like a Beacon
Stage 16 – Everywhere Radiance
Stage 17 – Prayerful Stillness
Stage 18 – Preacher
Stage 19 – Teacher
Stage 20 – Sage
Stage 21 – Infinite Pulse
“The three gunas, the three forces of nature, are all balanced. That opens the heart. On that the head is fixed and steady. You are aware of All and the Crown Chakra shines as the Sixth Chakra commands.” Yogi Bhajan
⭐ 550$ Early Bird by September 1st, 2024
⭐ Discount Code L2EarlyBird ⭐
⭐ 650$ (550 Euros) Late Payment after November 1st, 2024
In response to economic challenges, I offer scholarships and payment plans. If you live in a country that has financial challenges, please email shama@yallayogacenter.com