Do you feel?

out of touch with your feelings ?

overwhelmed, drained or tired when you are emotional ?

unsure about what your emotions are telling you ?

Imagine if you could

  • Feel your feelings with ease and comfort

  • Understand what your emotions are telling you

  • Know what to do when each emotion arises in your body

  • Express your emotions honestly and kindly

  • Balance your emotions anywhere and anytime

  • Transform an emotional charge into proactive action

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher

This program is for you, if...

✅ You are riding rollercoaster of emotions  

✅Your energy level and mood is constantly fluctuating 

✅ You struggle with expressing your emotions honestly

✅You isolate yourself from others as a way to protect yourself 

✅ You have a short temper that breaks relationships and hurts loved ones

✅ You are sick and tired of using work as a way to escape your emotions

​You want to use the power of emotions to transform your life

✅You are ready to break this cycle!

This program is NOT for you, if...

❎ You are not familiar with the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

❎ You are not interested in practicing yoga postures, breath-work or meditations

❎ You do have time to explore the underlying reasons behind your emotions

❎ You are looking for a quick fix rather than committing a daily practice

❎You care more about moving and doing than sitting and and feeling

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher

The Group Experience

What’s included?

~ 8 Live Weekly Group Classes

~ Weekly homework, follow up and group interaction

~ Online acess to watch recorded video class for 7 days

~ Whastppp group support

~ Weekly group check in

About this Program

•  8 master classes of Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

•  All classes begin with a 20-minute lecture describing each emotion, its gifts, challenges and how to channelize it effectively,

•  All class include a meditation,  breath-work or a celestial communications to work with each emotion,

• Classes are are between 90-120 minutes

Shama Kaur - Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Class 1: Introduction to Emotions

Class 2: Sadness

Class 3:  Grief

Class 4: Fear

Class 5:  Anger

Class 6: Attachment

Class 7: Guilt &  Shame

Class 8: Depression

~ 140 $ for 8 masterclasses

~ 165 $ for group experience

~ 20 $ for 8 downloadable video classes  & Ebook with lecture notes