Do you want to…
~ Deepen your practice of yoga, meditation, relaxation and self reflection?
~ Break through unhealthy eating habits and detoxify your body?
~ Disconnect from the media & technology in the beauty of nature?
~ Surround yourself with like-minded people who have an uplifting & positive energy?
~Focus on your self healing, nurturing and growth?
If you answered yes, then this Retreat is for YOU!
About This Retreat
This unique 7-day Kundalini Yoga retreat is your chance to look after yourself. Over our time together, you will experience Kundalini Yoga kriyas, meditations, deep relaxation, sound-healing, conscious journaling and group sharing.
These practices will give you tools that you can use to continually nourish yourself with healthy, supportive practices to keep you balanced, grounded and living with greater clarity and peace.
The global changes surrounding our health and communities leave most of us feeling anxious, afraid and consumed by an overwhelm of information.
By embarking on a retreat, you are choosing to pause; to give time to yourself to release, recharge and resource yourself with tools that can help you create more stability, balance and calm during these times.
This allows you to balance the ‘work from home’ lifestyle with the demands of caring for your families and yourselves along with dealing with stress, uncertainty and tension.
By choosing to look after yourself you can continue to care for your loved ones and support them in feeling safe, healthy and happy too.

Connect with your Deepest Self
Kundalini Yoga is a powerful and holistic system of well-being which combines kriya (a series of postures), pranayam (breath) mantra (sound) and meditation to align, balance and uplift the mind, body and soul.
Our physical body is rebooted and revitalised, our mind is cleansed and clarified, our soul is nourished and uplifted. As we work through our blocks, release our stress and transform our fears, we start to be more of who we really are, coming home to ourselves and opening up to greater peace, joy and connection.
“Make yourself so happy, that by looking at you, other people become happy.” ― Yogi Bhajan
Where are We Staying?

The Wind Farm in Dahab!

What’s Included?
8 nights accommodation at Wind Farm Dahab (single or double room)
3 vegetarian meals per day adhering to a special 7-day detoxifying yogic diet
2 kundalini yoga classes per day of 75 minutes each
daily group check ins and discussion circle
2 daily workshops on advanced yoga topics (optional)
Advanced Yoga Workshop Topics:
What is Yoga?
What is Kundalini Yoga? How does it work?
What is Mantra? How does chanting Work?
What is Asana, Kriya and Alignment?
What is Pranayam and Pranyaam Techniques?
What is Meditation and meditation Techniques?
What is Sadhana and how can I begin a daily spiritual practice?
What is Yogic Diet and Fasting Methods?
The Investment for this retreat includes
~ 7 days/8 nights accommodation in either single or double rooms or tents
~ 3 vegetarian meals per day
~ 2 daily kundalini yoga classes and workshops
Note – All rooms except tents include private bathroom and air conditioner.
Deadline to Book your Spot September 9th, 2021
When does it begin?
September 24 – 30, 2021
Arrival: Thursday September 23 at 6 PM Cairo Local Time
Departure: Friday October 1 at 11 AM Cairo Local Time
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Daily Schedule