I have specifically designed this program for those who desire to tap into the power of their chakras so they can transform insecurities, doubts and fears into confidence, self love and courage and move away from blame and shame and into self forgiveness and self acceptance to heal the past and leap into the future. By joining this course, you are tapping into the encouraging support of likeminded women that exist today so you can rise into courage, self-love and self healing. Only then can you tap into the true greatness that you were born to be, give back and serve.
Understanding the subtle energy system of the chakras and how it works will helps you to enhance your overall physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity. The word chakra comes from ancient Sanskrit and means “wheel of light”. It refers to the energy around and within all life forms. Every human being experiences the world through their chakras. Your chakras are like your “mood” – how you feeling today? – they are the window into the soul and a bridge to the higher self. Once you understand your chakras, you can better understand yourself and others and learn how to relate better with yourself and others.
In this class series, you will experience Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan which brings together physical asana, breath work, meditation and art therapy to help you deeper understand and expereince the story of your chakras.
7 Chakra Class Series
1st Chakra (Earth, Security, Base of Spine to Soles of Feet)
2nd Chakra (Water, Emotions, Pelvis)
3rd Chakra (Fire, Self Empowerment, Navel Center)
4th Chakra (Air, Compassion, Lungs and Heart)
5th Chakra (Ether, Truth, Throat and Neck)
6th Chakra (Third Eye, Intuition, Deep Meditation)
7th Chakra (Crown of the Head, Community, Expansion)
Starts on Wednesday April 17th, 2024
Ends on Wednesday May 22nd, 2024
Meets on Wednesday at 6 PM Sydney Time & 9 AM Cairo Local Time.
Click here to convert class time for your time zone.
Each class is 75-minute long and is LIVE on Zoom.
Takes place in person at Ettalong Yoga and Online
As Part of this Program you will receive:
40-day meditation challenge
weekly group discussions on whatsapp
one on one support as needed
special homework, tips & tricks
access to all kriyas and meditations taught in class